"The Hero of Lerolero"
Epic #68, August 1990 ($1.00)
"The reason that the world must
have my fine, melodic act-
Is that there is a tendency
to fantasize on fact.
As time does pass and people
look upon their past events-
They tend to put in fantasy
where once was common sense.
Like in this square, a monument
recalls that months ago-
A dragon was defeated
by the famed Arcadio.
And I would bet that people
who were witness to the deed-
Recall it wrong with not a
lone intention to mislead..."
"Sorry, no moral."
Story Summary: [Still to come]
Mark Evanier: Reptile Choreographer
Hidden Message: Click here to spoil the fun.
Known Characters Appearing: Arba & Dakarba, Arcadio, Groo, The Minstrel, Rufferto.
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