"The Wager of the Gods Book Two"
Epic #97, January 1993 ($2.25)
"The Gods in all their splender-
Even sometimes can surrender-
To a minor human failing or a major.
It makes observers chortle-
When a god acts like a mortal-
Which is just what they are doing with this wager.
The deeds may be fatiguing-
Even through they may seem humorous or wacky.
But the greatest feat is thriving-
For Arcadio's surviving-
Having Groo along to serve as a lackey."
"Sorry, no moral."
Story Summary: [Still to come]
Mark Evanier: Pestilence Specialist
Short Story: Rufferto, Li'l Groo.
Known Characters Appearing: Arcadio, Groo, The Minstrel, Rufferto, The Sage.
Quotes from The Sage:
"Hospitality is a rare invitation!"
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