The Life of Groo
Graphitti Designs Graphic Album #1, 1995 ($12.95)
"Heroes should be brave and bold-
(That is, at least, what we are told.)
Heroes should be strong and smart-
Plentiful in brains and heart.
Heroes should be most efficient-
But there's one a tad deficient...
One who's not as wise as Plato-
(Or as bright as a potato.)
One who's not a Hercules-
(But has a taste for dips of cheese .)
One who's not a Thor or Zeus-
(Though stronger than your average goose.)
One who's not a hero true-
(You know by now I sing of Groo.)
People often ask of me-
Exactly how he came to be.
So sit back now as I amaze-
With tales of his early days.
You may get ill or even sob-
(I'm sorry, folksm but it's my job.)
I'm going to take you back in time-
Back to an era, most sublime.
It was a happy time to view-
Because there was, as yet, no Groo."
"Sorry, no moral."
Story Summary: The tales of Groo's childhood. You learn why he's got no brain, why
Grooella hates him and so on. A must in every Groo collection.
Mark Evanier: Written by
Note: Identical to the previous edition by
Epic Comics, only in a larger format. You also see a picture of Grooella as a young lady. You also get to meet Groo's Parents.
Reprinted in: The Death & Life of Groo Ltd HC (Graphitti Designs)
Known Characters Appearing: Li'l Arba & Dakarba, Granny Groo, Groo, Grooella, Li'l Groo, Li'l Grooella, The Minstrel, The Sage, Taranto.
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