*The following 6 issues are 6 1/2" X 10", 2-issue, card-cover, editions:

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #3

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: Groo Y El Ambajador

English Version: Groo And The Ambassador, Epic #22

Mark Evanier: El Otro Que Crea

Moraleja: "Toda la gente es distinta, pero algunos son mas distintos que otros..."

Spanish Title: Groo Contre Pal Y Drumm

English Version: Groo Meets Pal 'n' Drumm, Epic #23

Mark Evanier: Prolocutor

Moraleja: "El mundo es un juego de azar en el que lo unico seguro es que, alguna vez, hasta los tramposos pierden."

Note: There is a "Groo Mail Por Ruperto" (Groo Mail for Rufferto) at the end of the first story and an article titled "?Por Que Groo?" at the end of the second story. The cover is from Marvel #23.

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #4

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: Las Labores De Arcadio

English Version: Arcadio's Quest, Epic #24

Mark Evanier: Denubilacion

Moraleja: "El preferir la belleza al seso es el mejor modo de no tener ni una ni otro."

Spanish Title: !Divide Y Conquista!

English Version: Divide And Conquer, Epic #25

Mark Evanier: Enunciador

Moraleja: "El pavonearse de tu fuerza es convertirla en tu debilidad."

Note: There is an article titled "?Como se hace un comic de Groo? Un Best-Seller De Humor Y Bararos" at the end of this book. The cover is from Marvel #25

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #6

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: Los Reyes Gourmets

English Version: The Gourmet Kings, Epic #28

Mark Evanier: Chef De Cuisine

Moraleja: "El camino al corazon de un hombre pasa por el estomago...uno ruta que esta muy lejos del cerebro."

Spanish Title: Rufferto

English Version: Rufferto, Epic #29

Mark Evanier: Aparejador

Moraleja: "Todos somos el heroe de alguien."

Note: At the end of the first story there is a Groo Mail por Rufferto section. Also, the town that Groo visits in story one is called "Snack." At the end of the second story there is an article by Agustin Oliver titled "MAD Marginals." The cover of this edition is from Marvel #28.

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #7

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: Rufferto II

English Version: Rufferto II, Epic #30

Mark Evanier: Deobscurante

Moraleja: "La honestidad es su propia recompensa, la deshonestidad lleva en si su castigo."

Spanish Title: Trafico de armas

English Version: The Arms Deal, Epic #31

Mark Evanier: El que se esta' quendando sin cosas graciosas que ponerse.

Moraleja: "Cuando uno trafica con armas, no hay ganadores, solo peredores..."

Note: At the end of the first story there is another Groo Mail por Rufferto section. At the end of the second story there is an article (or ad in disguise) titled "Nathan Never Un Heroe de los Noventa Y..." The cover is from Marvel #30.

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #8

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: Los Banqueros de Greedy

English Version: The Bankers of Avara, Epic #32

Mark Evanier: Escribidor

Moraleja: "El dinero facil siempre se marcha facil."

Spanish Title: Los Piratas de Salgari

English Version: The Pirates of Salgari, Epic #33

Mark Evanier: Histrion

Moraleja: "Ten cuidado cuando elija un bando u otro: puedes acabar en el hospital..."

Note: At the end of the first story there is another Groo Mail por Rufferto section, and an article titled "Luchard por Groo". At the end of the second story there is an article titled "Bigotera en Ristre 'La etica, la camara y el talonario'"

Sergio Aragonés Groo The Wanderer #9

Comics Forum, 1991 (300 ESP)

Spanish Title: El Amuleto (en donde finalmente nos enteramos del nombre del perro del Sabio)

English Version: The Amulet (in which we finally learn the name of the Sage's dog), Epic #34

Mark Evanier: Grandilocuentista

Moraleja: "Incluso el ser mas ponderoso esta a merced de los debiles."

Spanish Title: Deseos

English Version: Wishes, Epic #35

Mark Evanier: Sofista

Moraleja: "Un deseo solo vale lo que quien lo desea, y lo que esta ouede lograr."

Note: There is another Groo Mail por Rufferto at the end of the first story. Also after the first story, there is a page of original art which appears to be a sketch and autograph dedicated to the staff of Comics Forum. The page is titled "Dedicado a Toda la Redaccion", has an inset photo of Sergio drawing, and a sketch of Groo chasing Sergio while Rufferto is freaking-out. At the end of the second story there is an article titled "Dos Horas Y Media Con Sergio". There is some more art and dedication by Sergio on this page. On the following page there is a large sketch of Groo standing defiantly, with his dog at his side. The cover is from Marvel #34

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