The sculpting talents of Sergio Aragonés are premiered with this cool three-
dimensional rendition of Groo and his beloved dog, Rufferto. Each cold-cast statue comes
completely assembled and painted, ready to display. Produced as a limited edition
of only 750, each statue comes packaged with a numbered Certificate of Authenticity,
in a decorative, full-color box featuring new artwork by Aragonés.
5 sets of lead miniature figures of Groo and Friends.
Dark Horse Miniatures which made these are long gone, (Dark Horse Comics have nothing to do with them), so these miniatures are REALLY rare. Just about impossible to find! Not even Mark Evanier have a complete set...
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
153 Trading Cards, with all-new art by Sergio Aragonés, color by Tom Luth and
text by Mark Evanier. The Set also includes 9 "Images of Groo" cards, featuring today's top
artists interpreting Groo and his friends. (Ratio of 1:7 packs.) Also included randomly inserted
Sergio Aragonés autograph cards (500 total) and original art sketch cards (50 total).
Detailed information for each card
6 Pins of Groo and friends. Groo, Rufferto, The Sage, The Minstrel, Taranto, and Chakaal.
Plus a special Sergio giveaway.
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
Please Note: This Screen Saver is NOT a licenced Sergio Aragonés Groo product.
It's a freeware program made by John Astill. It's made for use under the built-in screen
saver in Windows 3.xx. Copy the file to your Windows catalog, and enable it from the
'Desktop' icon, in the 'Control Panel' folder.
#1 (1984): Reprint of Pacific #6 cover (double-sided).
#2 (1988): Groo follwing cheesedip smell while an army stalks him.
#3 (1989): Groo brandishing sword and Rufferto.
#4 (1994): "I bought Sergio Aragonés Groo #1, Did I err?"
#5 (2002): 20th Anniversary T-Shirt (Graphitti Designs)
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
Several different articles of clothing in various colors with embroidered images. New Illustration in their catalogue.
Also available: GROO: The Game Expansion Set. A set of 55 extra cards. Making the game more fun to play, especially with 6 players.
[Card listings]
8" x 7" x 3 3 3/4" w/bonus postcard.
(1986, Dark Horse Miniatures)
#1: Groo, Rufferto, Chaakal, Sage, Minstrel.
#2: Groo, Taranto, witch, Arcadio.
#3: Young Groo, Grooella, Sergio, Gravito
#4: Wenches and Warriors (2 title maidens, 2 guards).
#5: Dragon put together from 5 pieces.
(1995, WS & Image)
Above left: Groo Card #119.
Above right: Groo Card #22.
(1989, Graphitti Designs)
(For Microsoft Windows, by John Astill, 1996)
Under Windows '95 just unzip the file to your
windows directory and choose it in Control Panel / Display / Screen Saver.
Download Groo Screen Saver Ver. 1.0.
(1984 - 1994, Graphitti Designs)
Above left: Pacific #6 Cover
Above right: Pacific #6 Back
(Misc. Publishers)
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
Poster features artwork from Groo #3 and text urging people to support their local comic shop.
11"x17" with preprinting of image on Epic #2, except with black background.
34 x 22 inches of Groo defending a castle siege.
Featured poster was 11"x17" cover art for Groo #1. The other side had previews of other January releases (including Groo #1).
(1997, Rapid Eye Entertainment)
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
(1997, Archangel Entertainment)
The game is just like the book-GROO means bad news! Players try to keep GROO away
from their town as they build their community and recruit an army. Unfortunately, GROO
can always find a way to diminish any player's hope of winning. This fast paced game of
"Hot Potato" will amuse everyone who stands in GROO's way!
GROO: The Game comes with 60 cards, seven dice, and a rule book. Designed
for 2 to 6 players, the card combinations are endless. The average
fun-filled game lasts 30 to 40 minutes and caters to kids of all ages above
10 (as well as cheese dip lovers of any age).
Groo Lunch Box
(1999, Dark Horse Comics, US$ 19.95)
(Misc. Publishers)
Originally compiled by Ruben Arellano for *The Unofficial Sergiography*
3.5"x3.5" (Color artwork donated to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund.)
Art on front and "I support the CBLDF" on back.
8.5"x11", Groo and an army are invading a room of monks with manuscripts.
Groo scratching head with word balloon "Did I Err?".
The very-tastey "Grooburger" designed by Sergio.
Limited release, featuring art from the back of the game box and modified text.
Features the cover to Groo #1.
[Groo Items Menu]